Oh how I love this time of year! Spring is in full bloom, the birds sing their lovely songs, the sun sweetly warms the earth, trees begin to droop filled with white and pink flowers for fruit, I breath in the jasmine and orange blossom scent and my creative energy is flowing. I am ready to fulfill my passion. My manifestations are no longer on the horizon, the time is now. Starting with a feature in an online blog/newsletter, www.living-postcards.com . Please check out her site and my article to see what an amazing job Iliada is doing promoting Greece! My new Canon camera will be here the end of May, just in time for summer sea shots. Weekly blog post, daily hours in my studio (no more excuses to myself!), and stay tuned for a new Facebook page called IseeArt. It will be an open page for artists and creative thinkers to share, inform, collaborate, meet, show, view, etc.
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